BERNSTEIN, Trusa service ANTISTATIC, material ESD, cu 17 scule

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  • with pliers from the CLASSICline series, content: see parts list below
  • Set for working on electronic components with mobile person grounding
  • in ESD dissipative zipper bag 10^6 - 10^9 Ohm
  • 14 pocktes with dissipative tools 10^6 - 10^9 ohm
  • complies with standard DIN EN 61340-5-1
  • including dissipative workplace pad, contact bracelet and earthing cable
  • 2 x 1 megohm safety resistor
  • Meets the safety requirements for wrist grounding according to BGFE GERMAN Standard.
  • measures 320 x 250 x 50 mm


EPA suitable for electrostatically protected areas (ESD workplace / ESD protection zone). The perfect companion for the repair and maintenance of electrostatically sensitive components. The workplace pad made of soft ESD material offers the possibility to work safely. With a variety of different screwdrivers and pliers, the user is prepared for every situation.


Elegant zipper bag, made of black dissipative imitation leather, with also dissipative separations for 13 ESD tools and a foldable ESD work mat with accessories.

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Recenzati:BERNSTEIN, Trusa service ANTISTATIC, material ESD, cu 17 scule
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Producator BERNSTEIN
Cod producător 2220
Unitate de măsura Buc

Trusa de scule ESD ANTISTATIC constă din:

2221 Geantă cu fermoar disipativ ESD 14 buzunare goale
2-620 PLCC-extractor
3-601-15 Freze laterale ESD CLASSICline semi-line 115mm
3-632-15 Clește cu vârf plat ESD CLASSICline fălci netelate 120mm
3-633-15 Clești cu becaș ESD CLASSICline fără fălci zimțate 120mm
4-603 Lama cu fanta pentru șurubelniță ESD 1,5x0,25x60mm
4-605 Lama cu fanta pentru surubelnita ESD 2.0x0.4x60mm
4-606 Lama cu fanta pentru șurubelniță ESD 2,5x0,4x60mm
4-621 șurubelniță ESD cu adâncitură transversală PH000
4-622 șurubelniță ESD cu adâncitură transversală PH00
4-623 șurubelniță ESD cu adâncitură transversală PH0
5-191 pensete din plastic ESD 120 mm formă 2a vârfuri 2 mm lățime
5-192 pensete din plastic ESD 120 mm formă F vârfuri 3 mm lățime
9-354-100 Covor de masă ESD 500x400x0,5mm
9-342-1 Bratara de contact ESD
9-342-2 Snur spiralat ESD pentru bratara 2,5m
9-343-1 Cablu de împământare ESD 1 MOhms, 1500mm 2 butoane 10/10mm
9-353 Agrafă crocodil ESD

Greutate Kg 1050 g, goala 520 g


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